Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Pros and Cons of getting to work too early

Most people ask, do I really achieve more if I start my work earlier? Should I change my wake up time or commute time? How do I maximize the time I have to achieve more?

Although most successful people rise up early, it does not mean you must too. You need to understand what is best for yourself. Here are 4 good and bad sides of getting to work too early for you to reflect on.

Thursday, July 9, 2020

What to expect if you go for a business trip during the pandemic?

 As we know, the whole world is now facing a health crisis as the coronavirus is spreading all over the world. A lot of countries are now controlling their flights and companies are trying their best to limit business trips.

 In some cases, employees are still required to go to the field particularly to solve issues. If you are the chosen one, and if you are facing a dilemma to proceed or not, that is normal.

 Here are 3 tips on how to handle travelling related to work