Sunday, December 27, 2020

4 Reasons Why It Is Hard to Make Friends At Work


 Having friends at work not only adds happiness to your daily life but it is also important for having a successful career as your network expands. What happens when you do not have friends at work? No one to save you a seat at a meeting or help you when things go wrong. 

 Here are 4 possible reasons why you could not make new friends at work.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Pros and Cons of getting to work too early

Most people ask, do I really achieve more if I start my work earlier? Should I change my wake up time or commute time? How do I maximize the time I have to achieve more?

Although most successful people rise up early, it does not mean you must too. You need to understand what is best for yourself. Here are 4 good and bad sides of getting to work too early for you to reflect on.

Thursday, July 9, 2020

What to expect if you go for a business trip during the pandemic?

 As we know, the whole world is now facing a health crisis as the coronavirus is spreading all over the world. A lot of countries are now controlling their flights and companies are trying their best to limit business trips.

 In some cases, employees are still required to go to the field particularly to solve issues. If you are the chosen one, and if you are facing a dilemma to proceed or not, that is normal.

 Here are 3 tips on how to handle travelling related to work

Monday, June 29, 2020

3 Ways How To Improve Your Relationship with your Boss

 Throughout your career life, your relationship with your boss is considered the utmost important concern you should take good care at. Your career days are easy or hard depending on if your boss is your best ally instead of your worst enemy. Different boss' personality varies from one to another. Here are three ways to cultivate a good relationship with your boss.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

How to fix these 3 career mistake you are making right now

There are many ways to be successful. Some of them you know consciously but some are unconscious. The same goes for mistakes that prevent you to strive to be better in your career. Here are 3 unconscious mistakes that you might be doing right now.


Saturday, May 30, 2020

5 Ways You Can Still Win Although Not Talented

 Do you ever doubt having the required skills or everyone around you seems to be smarter than you? Don't worry too much, those talents are not always the qualities to be a true leader. Here are 5 aptitudes that you might already have that sets you apart from talented people. 

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Simple step to reduce mistakes at work

 Have you ever missed out on small details in your work and you have to redo it all over again? Or get scolded by your boss because of the small mistake? When you face a situation that overburdens you, you need an effective tool to help you get through it. The tool turns out to be a checklist or a to-do list.